Week 12 Reading Notes: Alice in Wonderland, Part A

Here are my notes for Alice in Wonderland.

1: Down the Rabbit Hole
-Alice is sitting around, bored, when suddenly a white rabbit runs by her; Alices hears the rabbit talking about how it's going to be late for something and then sees it take a pocket watch out and check the time; this peaks her interest, so she follows it and sees it go down a rabbit hole; Alice goes down the hole after it; she falls for a long time

2: Down the Rabbit Hole, Cont.
-Alice finally lands at the bottom of the rabbit hole; Alice tries to follow the rabbit, but gets stuck in a hallway of locked doors; she finds a tiny key on a table, and the key unlocks a tiny door behind a curtain; Alice can't fit into the hole, so she goes back to the table and finds a bottle that says "Drink Me" on it; Alice decides to drink it

3: Down the Rabbit Hole, (end)
-the drink causes Alice to shrink down enough that she can fit through the tiny door; when she goes to open the door again, she finds that it's locked; she goes back to get the tiny key but realizes she left it on the table and now she's too small to reach it; underneath the table, she finds a tiny cake with the words "Eat Me" on it; she eats the cake and it makes her very tall so she can reach the key, but she's too large again to fit through the door
-eventually Alice makes it through the door and into the garden; she meets a caterpillar, smoking a hookah, on top of a mushroom

4: Advice from a Caterpillar
-Alice and the Caterpillar talk about identity for a little while; Alice tells him she doesn't know who she is anymore bc she's changed sizes so many times; the caterpillar's short remarks and attitude make Alice angry; she's about to leave, when he tells her he has something important to say; he tells her to calm down and then talks to her about why she thinks she's changed

5: Advice from a Caterpillar, cont.
-the caterpillar has Alice recite a poem about an older man who can do many young-person things because he was crazy in his youth; the caterpillar tells Alice she said the poem wrong; Alice tells the caterpillar she's upset about being so short; the caterpillar basically tells Alice to deal with it; the caterpillar leaves, but tells Alice that one side of the mushroom will make her bigger, and the other side will make her smaller, but he doesn't tell her which is which; she takes a bite of one side and starts to shrink, so she quickly takes a bite of the other side

6: Advice from a Caterpillar (end)
-Alice grows so tall she can no longer see the rest of her body from above the trees; she tries to bend her neck back below the branches but a pigeon shows up and attacks her, thinking she's a huge snake; Alice tries to convince the pigeon she's a human and not a snake; the pigeon eventually leaves her alone, and Alice eats some of the mushroom until she returns to a normal height; she sees a tiny house, so she makes herself tiny so she can go inside

7: Pig and Pepper
-Alice sees fish servants running around the house; one delivers a letter for the duchess from the queen (an invitation to play croquet); Alice tries to get in the house, and argues with one of the fish servants for a bit outside; Alice goes inside and sees the duchess sitting near the cook nursing a baby pig; the cook is making a soup that has too much pepper in it (it makes everyone sneeze); there's a cat with a huge grin on its face sitting nearby (the Cheshire cat)

8: Pig and Pepper, cont.
-Alice and the duchess talk about the cat for a bit; when the cook gets done with the soup, she starts throwing things at the duchess and the baby pig, a few things hitting them; the duchess doesn't seem to mind, but this makes Alice upset; the duchess basically tells Alice to mind her own business, and starts to sing a lullaby to the pig about beating him when he sneezes (she's also throwing him up and down when she does this); Alice catches him and takes him away from the duchess, taking him outside so he'll stop sneezing

9: Pig and Pepper (end)
-Alice puts the pig down outside and it runs off; she finds the Cheshire cat sitting in a tree nearby; she asks the cheshire cat to tell her where to go; he tells her that in one direction she'll find the mad hatter, but in the other direction she'll find the march hare; they talk for a little bit and then the cat vanishes; Alice decides to go towards the hare
Alice. Source: Untextbook.

"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. Web Source: Untextbook.


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