Week 13 Reading Notes: King Arthur, Part A

Here are my notes for King Arthur.

1: The Drawing of the Sword
-the King of England died, so everyone is trying to decide who should be king; they put a sword in a stone and tell everyone that whoever can pull the sword from the stone will be king; tons of people tried to pull it out but no one could; one day they were having a tournament; a knight named Sir Kay forgot his sword in his tent, so he sent is foster-brother Arthur to go get it; Arthur can't find that sword, so he goes to the stone to take the sword from it instead; he finds out later that pulling the sword from the stone made him the King of England

2: The Questing Beast
-King Arthur and a few other kings are trying to rescue the King of Cameliard; Arthur marries his daughter Guenevere; one night, Arthur has a dream that monsters in the woods killed his people, so he wakes up, summons his knights and they go hunting; after a while, Arthur takes a minute to rest and sees a monster coming toward him; Arthur meets another knight who has been chasing the beast for a year; the knight steals Arthur's horse so he can continue the chase (bc only he or his family can kill the beast)
-Merlin shows up to Arthur as a boy and tells Arthur who his parents are; this makes Arthur upset, so Merlin reappears as an old man and tells him that Arthur's sister will have a child that will destroy him and his knights; Merlin introduces himself to Arthur

3: The Sword Excalibur
-Arthur and Merlin are riding along after another battle when Arthur realizes he doesn't have a sword; Merlin takes him to the Lady of the Lake, and tells him that she has the sword and will give it to Arthur if he asks nicely; the Lady of the Lake tells Arthur he can have the sword, if he gives her a gift she asks for (she says she'll ask for it later); Arthur takes the sword home

4: The Round Table
-Arthur decides that he wants to marry Guenevere; Arthur sends Merlin to her father to ask for her hand; Guenevere's father is very happy and agrees, and gives Arthur the round table; Merlin goes back to Arthur and tells him the good news; Arthur sends Sir Lancelot to go get Guenevere, and while he does that, Arthur assembles his knights of the round table; Arthur agrees to make his nephew, Gawaine, a knight on the day he marries Guenevere

5: The Passing of Merlin
-Merlin tells Arthur that a woman he trusts will steal the sword and scabbard from him; Merlin and Vivien (a girl a knight brought back from a battle that Merlin had fallen in love with and won't leave alone) travel a lot; one day, Vivien buries Merlin alive and uses all the magic he taught her

6: King Arthur and Morgan le Fay
-Morgan is Arthur's sister; Morgan can do lots of magic, and hates her brother because he killed a knight she loved in battle; she never let him know this, though; one day, Morgan goes to the countryside where Arthur is sleeping after a battle; she steals Excalibur's scabbard and runs off; the nuns watching over Arthur tell him Morgan took the scabbard when he wakes up; he chases Morgan to the lake, where she throws the scabbard in the water and disguises herself; Arthur goes back to Camelot and tells everyone what Morgan did; Morgan sends Arthur a mantle as a gift, and he accepts it; the Lady of the Lake warns Arthur not to put on the mantle until he's seen Morgan wear it herself; he tells the Lady of the Lake to put it on; she does, and she dies immediately

7: The Quest of the Holy Graal
-the knights of the round table vow to find the holy grail (a cup that Jesus supposedly drank out of and was brought to England later); they never find it

8: The King's Pilgrimage
-Arthur and his squire go on a pilgrimage to St. Augustine; one night, the squire has a dream where he's chasing the king and comes across a church with a dead knight in it; he steals a candle from the church and goes after Arthur, but comes across a man that threatens him; in the real world, Arthur wakes him up from the dream because he was screaming; the squire still has the golden candle in his hand and a knife in his side from the man who tried to kill him, so he gives the candle to Arthur and Arthur sends for someone to take the knife out; the squire eventually dies

9: The Coming of the Holy Graal
-the knights of the round table are having a Pentecost feast; suddenly a beam of light appears in the room and in it is the holy grail, but when the knights start trying to get it, it disappears; the knights all decide to go after the grail

Arthur drawing the sword. Source: Untextbook.

"King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table" by Andrew Lang. Web Source: Untextbook.


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