Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Today, I'm reflecting on the feedback others have given me throughout the course, and the feedback I've given others. Throughout this semester, we've spent quite a bit of time each week commenting on each other's blog posts, stories, and projects, giving lots of feedback. I've received quite a few comments myself.

So far, I've received lots of feedback on my stories, project and introduction post from other students. I think the comments I've received so far have been very helpful. They always offer great suggestions for making my stories better. The comments I've gotten so far haven't been unhelpful at all. I think the comments that give some suggestions are the most useful, because it's great to have someone else's perspective on my work so I can see it in a new light.

I think I've been doing a good job giving others feedback as well. I like to use the WWW method the most. This method allows me to appreciate what's great about a post, but also add on to the post and give suggestions going forward. I think using this method helps me write quite a bit for each comment, too, which is always helpful.

I think by leaving comments on others' blogs definitely helps me connect with other students in my class. It's nice to get to read each person's introduction post and learn more about them. It's also great to get to see the stories other students are writing because, not only can I appreciate their work, it can get my creativity going too. Reading the great stories others put out inspires me to write better stories each week.

I picked the feedback cat meme below because I think it's really useful to get both external feedback (like comments from my peers) and give myself internal feedback through reflection.

Feedback cat meme. Source: Cat Meme Blog.


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