Week 2 Reading Overview

As you can see from the title, and from the post below, this is my tentative reading plan for my semester in Mythology and Folklore.

Choose from CLASSICAL and/or BIBLICAL units for Weeks 3 and 4.
Week 3: Homer's Iliad
Week 4: Ovid's Metamorphoses (books 8-10)

Choose from MIDDLE EASTERN and/or INDIAN units for Weeks 5 and 6.
Week 5: Arabian Nights
Week 6: The Life of Buddha

Choose from ASIAN and/or AFRICAN units for Weeks 7 and 9. [Week 8 is review week.]
Week 7: Japanese Mythology 
Week 9: Brer Rabbit

Choose from NATIVE AMERICAN units for Weeks 10 and 11.
Week 10: Cherokee
Week 11: Pacific Northwest

Choose from BRITISH and/or CELTIC units for Weeks 12 and 13.
Week 12: Alice in Wonderland
Week 13: King Arthur

Choose from EUROPEAN units for Weeks 14 and 15.
Week 14: Dante's Inferno
Week 15: Crane

I'm really excited about this schedule. I think, when choosing different topics, I tended to choose units that had some degree of familiarity to me. I think that will definitely help make them easier to comprehend and retell in blog posts. There are some units I'm really excited to get started on, like the Greek mythology units (I did some reading about Achilles over the summer, and I'm really excited to read more), Arabian Nights (because who doesn't love Aladdin), and Alice in Wonderland. At the same time, though, I'm excited to get started on units that I don't know a whole lot about, like The Life of Buddha, so I can understand more about different cultures and broaden my horizons. 

The picture I've included below is from the Ovid's Metamorphoses unit, depicting what I assume is the fall of Icarus. I've heard references to Icarus so many times, and I've used it myself many times as well, so I'm excited to read more about his story. 

The Fall of Icarus, taken from the UnTextbook. Source: UnTextbook.


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