Topic Brainstorm

There are so many topics to choose from for our storybook project in Mythology and Folklore this year. It's so difficult to choose only one. I've come up with four options that I think might be great (or maybe putting a combination of them together would be fun too). Here are my ideas:

In Ovid's Metamorphoses, Medusa was a beautiful young woman, who was raped by Poseidon in Athena's temple. Because of this, Athena turned Medusa's hair into snakes and made her face "so terrible to behold" that it turned anyone who looked at her to stone. In Ovid's Metamorphoses (and in older, more misogynistic tellings of the story), Athena was said to be punishing Medusa for her own rape by changing her. My idea is to retell the story so that Athena changed Medusa in order to keep her from being preyed upon and attacked by entitled men. Maybe she was trying to empower Medusa. Maybe Medusa's story was warped and changed to make her seem like a monster because her story was told by men?

Hua Mulan
I think we all know the Disney version of Mulan's story. But, I'd like to learn more (and tell my own stories) about the real Mulan. As far as I can tell, Hua Mulan's story doesn't have anything to do with small dragons, lucky crickets, or a singing and dancing troupe of warriors led by a cute and awkward warrior prince. As disappointed as I am about that, though, I'd like to learn more about her and attempt to tell the real story of Disney's bravest princess.

Joan of Arc
While we're on the subject of warrior women, I'd like to propose Joan of Arc be my third topic option. Joan of Arc was a French warrior who fought bravely for her country and what she believed in. She led men into battle and helped lead entire armies like it was no big deal. I think it would be interesting to learn more about her and her life, and be able to tell her story. I might even include some modern twists.

The Amazons (and Wonder Woman, of course)
I think it would be very cool to focus my project on the Amazons, who were warrior women frequently mentioned in Greek mythology. They were said to be the daughters of Ares, the Greek God of War, so of course fighting would be a main concern. I think it might be interesting to contrast the Greek mythology stories of the Amazons, with more modern versions of the Amazons, like those depicted in the Wonder Woman comics. I would like to focus on the stories of notable Amazons, like Hippolyta and Antiope.

I had a thought, too, as I was finishing up my list. Maybe I compile a group of stories about powerful women in mythology, like some of those listed above, and make my project all about "Wonder Women" through the ages. That would be awesome.

A gif of Wonder Woman punching out the patriarchy. Source: Giphy.


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